Sunday, October 10, 2010

Real quick, before I go to bed...

So a few nights ago, while waiting for a layer of paint to dry on my new canvas, I decided to arrogantly and conceitedly google "3eyeunion" just to see what results I would be presented with.

Would I find hilarious once forgotten photos that had been posted to the site from long ago? Could it be I would find a photo of a fan of the site from an obscure state like arkansas proudly displaying his new 3eyeunion shirt that he just got in the mail? Better yet, maybe even find a picture of a (seemingly) barely legal aged girl with "3eyeunion" proudly graffitied across her (seemingly) barely legal aged clevage? (I mean c'mon, if it works for all of these young, feminine looking guys in "bands" that just recycle the same shit over and over to sell 30 dollar tickets to a lackluster show at a venue no one has ever heard of [Uncle Bucky's Jam Barn], surely it would work for us, right? RIGHT!?)

This is a screen shot from a google search I did for our beloved 3eyeunion.
(and I implore the nosey computer nerds to please not study my dock at the bottom of the screen to see what applications I am currently using. "Look at that logo! How old is his Adobe Suite!!!???")

Anyway, yeah we get a gem. Drew in a fake mustache, always a crowd pleaser. We also turn up a festival of obscure and out of place photos including anime characters, nameless bands, and what appears to be a view of the deck of a boat. Hooray, looks like we're getting to "big timer" status.

But what is this!? A picture of Tony and Chaz IN the DOGHOUSE!? PERFECT!
...perfect minus the little blooper of having ADOLF FUCKING HILTER and his goon squad popping up DIRECTLY next to their photo.

Thanks for the self esteem boost, Google.

1 comment:

  1. Hey, Software update is open why don't you finish it loser?
