Sunday, February 28, 2010

Jump on er back, go on the attack

Take medicine.
Fill up paint cup and and get paints ready.
Sit in a fucking chair for 8 hours straight and paint a "native american" babe.
Buy taco bell and don't eat it.

Know what today is? Season premier of TEASGJ season cinco.
Are we excited? you don't even get it.

Get yer dick sucked.

Friday, February 26, 2010

A Gift For The Doghouse

After not being able to make it to hang in the doghouse tonight...

"Wish I Was There"

"Find YOU!" Poster Prize

Click to enlarge.

11x17 posters.

Real prints maybe?

Thursday, February 25, 2010

I don't think this one is real you guys.

Try reading that; you man-o-war fucker


I found this at work today hanging on a bulletin board. It appears that beau takes line drawings for tattoos I do and then "changes them up". I must say though, I'm quite a fan of this one. I'm slightly creeped out that there is a dog involved though. Fuck it, I've been in weirder situations.

Find Waldo? NO, Find YOU!


Find all 8 people to win the prize! What is the prize you ask? The next promotional doghouse poster will be about the winner of the contest! Anyone is aloud to enter, even non-3eyeunion members and handicaps. The first person to e-mail the above picture with each person circled (Not squared or triangled) wins the prize. You can also show me in real life to win.

The people in the image are (in no particular order):
Chaz Shenefield
Brandon Warnock
Craig Moorman
Joel Janiszyn
Corey Purvis
Drew Janiszyn
Tony Slagal

Submit entries to:

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Mystery Poster #1

In celebration of Friday's festivities, I have printed FIVE promotional posters. One of those will be hung up in the doghouse, and I'm keeping one so that leaves THREE left that are up for grabs on Friday. I can't say what it is, but I CAN say it does involve Chaz Shenefield.

Friday, February 19, 2010

Think 3!

Our first product!
I don't think I'll be using this one in my portfolio.
You can't actually get these I'm afraid. Sorry.

Greetings from Nashville!

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

We need these.

If you have ever made a post to the 3 eye union at night, Well I'm sure you will agree you need some of these!

Wait, no thats fucking weird.


Day 5. I have ate a LEAST one cheesy gordita crunch (No beef add beans) every single day for 5 consecutive days. One starts to wonder what the hell is in a cheesy gordita crunch (No beef add beans) that sustains life and keeps me alive. Others wonder what would happen if cheesy gordita crunches (With no beef add beans) were to evolve into living beings and form a colony. What they (cheesy gordita crunches (No beef add beans)) might think of me. I guess I would be a Pol Pot or a Hitler to all cheesy gordita crunches (No beef add beans).

Well, I guess when you have consumed cheesy gordita crunches (No beef add beans) in genocidal numbers, it begins to weigh on ones soul. I silently skulk in the darkness, waiting on the hoards of cheesy gordita crunches (No beef add beans) to inthrong together and kick in my wooden gate and doors and storm my castle-keep where they will drain my blood into gemmed chalices and drape my body over a crucifix laden with rose thorns.

Have you tried the volcano taco (no beef, add beans)?

Hosin' off the pigs, the devil's in the back row!

Well, tomorrow CB and I leave for good ol' Nashville, TN. We'll be living in luxury thanks to our friend Trevor. We have no real plans (well, I secretly plan to drink as much yuengling as humanly possible) but besides that we're winging it for sure. I'm fairly certain I'll come across plenty to post on here in documentation. I've been told that "wildness follows you", ...can't argue with that fact.

This here is a tattoo I put on my friend Audra a day or two ago. I was pretty stoked, figured I'd show it off for a minute. Thanks again Audra!
I should also mention that we have a contest winner! Jme Noggle, a tattooer out of Ohio I guess stumbled across this page and BOOM, next thing you know he gets a cool package in the mail. It'll be in the mail truck as soon as I get back to Indiana.

Drew and Tony. Now that I'll be gone, ya'll are the men of the doghouse. Top dogs. Take care of the place, no sitting in the captains chair unless absolutely necessary though.

Buck a chicky ticket.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

A day with my Valentine

One sitting. My carpel tunnel was not happy about it.
I'm eating one of those $5 box deals from Taco Bell as I type this. It really seems to be quite a value for the price. I'm going to eat this entire box in one sitting as well.
Taking breaks is for chumps. STRAIGHT WEAK SAUCE CHUMPS.

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Friday, February 12, 2010

New poster I'm working on for an Art Show this spring:
Based on the "F" word. This is what I've drawn so far.

Copyright 2010 Corey Purvis


Transcribed as fuck

Monday, February 8, 2010

Holdin' it down, ya feel me?

That's right, me and Tony (i just typed his name as Downey for some reason) are holdin' it down like real men while swiss cheese lung is slumbering beneath our feet as I type this.

Oh yeah, ......does anyone read this thing for real? I mean, yeah, you probably got linked to it by one of us once and glanced at it for about 26 seconds and then closed out the window with the intentions of never checking it again.

Well... heres the deal... a fun little contest if you will.

The first person to send me an email with the subject titles as "Pono. lol. Bono" I'll send you an art print of a painting made just in tribute to the doghouse. Jeepers, we may through in some extra goodies too. Do it.

Will we ever see anything like this for real?


Your a big man, you got TWO egg sandwiches!

Saturday, February 6, 2010

I can still suck your panties!

Lets get this out of the way.

This is pretty much a sum up of all the video pictures and other BS collected from the doghouse to this day.

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Doghouse: 1 Drew: 0

This is air that entered my chest cavity through a puncture in my lung

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Ya blew it

They added tingle parts.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Doghouse lands on myspace.

Click to add the Doghouse!

Monday, February 1, 2010

"He smells like the color yellow, know what I mean?"

Ode to my dear friend Jake E.

I was once fooled into believing that we had your testicles in a bottle.

Turns out they were merely cloves of garlic.


Joel P. Janiszyn

To be distributed anywhere inside the doghouse.


And it disappears into (Out) the pressurecooker (window)
Shit man I was messed up. But I still made it.

Behind The Scenes

A picture taken from inside the Dog House - Before it was called that.


1.75 Liter