Today is April 20th, 2010 which means... Hitlers Birthday!
Happy birthday ya ol' boob. You have many achievements to be proud of including the continuing race for a new world order, the intentional dismantling and control of alternative forms of energy by NASA, Automotive, and Oil companies. And not to mention you even got the European union you were holocausting (that is my word) for.
Its a time to celebrate with cake if I ever did know a cake celebrating time!
Cake for everyone!!!
Don't be sad Corporal, Theres enough cake to go around! You deserve it - what with all the killing of those dangerous iraqi children. I heard they bit a soldiers ankle plum clean in half once!
See!? Nothing to be sad about. There is still cake to be found in hitlers wimpy facepubes so get in there soldier! Make America proud. HOORAH
If it tastes a little salty, thats just because Hitler finished his daily bowl of Jew Soup! A little got into his stach but it comes out before the end of the day usually. A whole bowl of jewsoup ... AND THEN A CAKE you ask? Hitler was known for a grumbling and demanding belly, if you must know.