Friday, February 4, 2011

Cleaning out the Iphone; part 739

Instead of just posting up a string of photos...
I'll include a short commentary to accompany each rich and tasty photo.

"Had some foreigners in the house. They were always throwing up or wrestling or breaking things. I miss them."

"This one was from the dog house. We named that lizard Tyrese or something. She claims to still have him somewhere but she's probably lying."

"I don't know...they think beer is funny or something."

"I put a tattoo on Tony's leg and Megan was snapping photos of it. It's funny to take pictures of people taking pictures. I don't think she knows that this site exists because Tony keeps it a secret. COME CLEAN TONY!"

"Smokebreak outside work during the fall. That's really about it."
"I don't mean to be a jerk...but this guy was pretty gross. I just remember in horror watching him get a sandwich made. She would say "is that enough ranch sauce?" and between heaving breaths he would heavily whisper "go ahead and put a little more." He did that with every god damn condiment."

"Outside Beau's house during art night. This was taken sometime in the A.M."

"This is the cutest coke addict you'll ever see"

Well... thats it.
No more. Get lost.
(But not TOO lost! Thanks for swinging by, please come again)
(cum again)

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