Monday, February 8, 2010

Holdin' it down, ya feel me?

That's right, me and Tony (i just typed his name as Downey for some reason) are holdin' it down like real men while swiss cheese lung is slumbering beneath our feet as I type this.

Oh yeah, ......does anyone read this thing for real? I mean, yeah, you probably got linked to it by one of us once and glanced at it for about 26 seconds and then closed out the window with the intentions of never checking it again.

Well... heres the deal... a fun little contest if you will.

The first person to send me an email with the subject titles as "Pono. lol. Bono" I'll send you an art print of a painting made just in tribute to the doghouse. Jeepers, we may through in some extra goodies too. Do it.