Sunday, January 24, 2010

Cheating karma to the tune of the Chili Peppers

Do you ever have a day/night where so many things happened it's hard to keep track of?

That was our saturday.

Keep in mind, a bit of the evening was quite blurry, but if I remember correctly a chunk of the night looked like this photo above

Some mentionable parts of saturday you ask?
-Sketchy diners with waitresses with neck tattoos
-Double lap dances for the Doghousers
-C-purv grooving with a thick Philippine girl
-A crazy military guy who detailed strangling a man to death and boasting about being willing to "cut up a 15 year old" for the sake of this fine country
-Girls getting raped by hookah hoses
-Tony collapsing on the floor and causing a ruckus
-And a collection of 400 things that I won't go into details about...

Doghouse aint just in the doghouse anymore, nawmeen?

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