Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Mr. Magic Man FOUND! (plus, bonus tracks!)

Holy Jeepers Creepers, it's true!!!
Mr. Magic Man has been found. After months of beings m.i.a., he was found safely resting in the doghouse of solitude once again. It is hard to say exactly where he went, who he was with, or what he has done... but in the end we are thankful that he is alive and well. The most sacred 3eyeunion artifact lives on!

Mr. Magic Man has been relocated to Ku Lounge. His first day in his new home was a bit rough and after he went missing for a few hours I found him in the closet (pictured above.) Back to his old ways, or so he thought! He is currently under house arrest and is sentenced to 30 days of rehab that will be spent in his new home (Flying Lotus - "Cosmogramma" cd case. He has a classy room, it's the limited edition cd. With the foil case and everything!)

I drove my car off the road and just as my car started rolling over and over again down a steep embankment.... this cute photo was taken! Moral of story: Pay attention to road and not the camera being held by passenger. (injuries included sprained uvula and a sever case of "weepy teeth")

This was painted by yours truly for my beautiful asian wife while she was recovering from surgery. It was a sweet gesture and it got me a whole bunch of make-out sessions. I even went under her shirt once!

Jp's shirt from last week. I was a big fan to say the least. Leave the sexual innuendoes at home. It's much funnier to be taken 100% literally. Troof!

(Found in trash can at work)
But what does it mean!? You'll have to wait to find out.

Now how about that!? A nice little update don't you think? It appears we've been a bit lazy lately but we're working on it! C-purv is now back in Ft. Wayne, drew's car blew up and his lung collapsed, and I've been so burnt out on drawing and painting I haven't wanted to do anything but sleep. And where's Chaz and the crew!? Could be dead or in another country for all I know.
Don't worry though...we're on the come up.

1 comment:

  1. I'm working on something for the blog that takes a bit of time to complete.
